Organizations Groups Non-Profits
NDC Savings Club is a Free service provided by National Drug Card ( NDC) a Washington D.C. based organization founded in 2005 to help people with little or no prescription drug insurance save money on their prescription medications. The National Drug Card proved to be a spectacular success and the program continues to grow in leaps and bounds. Over the years, NDC has received hundreds of phone calls and emails from our valued customers requesting other money saving programs.
We listened and are proud to announce the launch of the NDC Savings Club. Many of the benefits offered are FREE. Our low cost Dental Plan also includes major savings on Vision. Tour the NDC Savings Club website and you will find outstanding value and real savings on services you need and use, such as Healthcare, Holistic, Legal, Coupons, Entertainment, Travel, Shopping and many more.
Groups and organizations of all sizes are passing along these benefits to their members upon realizing the range and the extent of the savings. There is No Cost to participate in the NDC Savings Club and the savings realized by customers on essential services have been astonishing. Why not spread the word about the NDC Savings Club? You will enhance the lives of your members at a time of skyrocketing healthcare costs and tight budgets. No group is too small or too large to participate.
Organizations have praised the benefits provided by the NDC Savings Club to their members. As we continue grow so do the savings opportunities we provide.
A sampling of groups and industries that benefit from the NDC Savings Club:
- Associations & Affinity Groups
- Non-Profits and Fundraising
- Employers in any industry
- Charities and Religious Organizations
- Unions & Labor Organizations
- Agents/Brokers and Benefit Consultants
- Insurance Carriers & Managed Care Organizations
- Financial Institutions & Credit Unions
- Local Government, State, City, County or Municipality
- Schools and Colleges

Note: If you’re an Organization or Group interested in offering the NDC Savings Club Program to your members, please Contact Us.